As the night draws to a close, join us in O'Hara's on this auspicious night for the inaugural Bandon Story Circle. There will be music, story and fun as we celebrate the magic of the spoken word. Join Maria Gillen Bean an Tí as she weaves tales of magic and lore. With Áine O'Gorman and Victoria Keating providing music and song it will be a night of enterntainment and fun.
If anyone is interested in taking part and doing a turn please contact bandonstorytellingcircle@gmail.com with your name and details of what you would like to perform.
O'Hara's Bar 8p.m
Saturday 30th October @ 8:00p.m
We have set up pre-registration for attendance on eventbrite to ensure venue capacity is adhered to.
Eventbrite is free, we are asking for a suggested donation of €5 admission at the door.
Please note current Covid Guidelines and regulations will be followed and as this is an indoor venue Covid Vaccination Certificates must be shown to ensure entry.
Further Info
Contact: bandonstorytellingcircle@gmail.com